Proyecciones basadadas en los datosd e CNE-Renave. Corregidas basándonos en un ajuste con curva exponencial para compensar las políticas del hospital de derivar a los pacientes de más edad a cuidados paliativos en lugar de a UCIS.
Codigo desarrollado para el datathon: WPOMgeneradorDatosCovidSerieRenave.ipynb accesible en Github
Como citar el codigo: Marin-Garcia, J.A, et al. (2021). A data generator for COVID-19 patients’ care requirements inside hospitals: data paper. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 12 (in press).
«The CNE data did not adequately represent the trajectories of people over 60 years of age. It may misleadingly appear that the incidence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) decreases after this age. However, the reality was the opposite, this incidence grew exponentially, but the application of medical care protocols meant most elderly patients did not receive ICU treatment even if they were in need of IVM. The reason was the probability of surviving such an aggressive intervention was low (practically zero in the most elderly patients)»